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    > 프랜차이즈 홍보관 > 상세보기

    프랜차이즈 홍보관 Franchise

    트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감
     SUL&BEANS 2018-01-17 18:15:44
    작성인 lachangup 조회:1443    추천: 135



    상 호 명 : SUL&BEANS


    홈페이지 : www.sulandbeans.com



    "Bingsoo", also stylized as bingsu, is a Korean version of

    shaved ice topped with a variety of fruits, nuts, and sweet

    red beans.

    Sul & Beans has brought the top quality bingsoo from

    Korea and transformed it into something that everyone

    can enjoy. The Bingsoo culture has always been massive

    all over Asia and it can be a healthier substitute for ice

    creams as frozen yogurts have in the past several years.


    Though the frozen yogurts were thought to be a healthi-

    er choice for dessert lovers around the states, bingsoo


    will be in a category of it's own in the near future due to

    its distictive flavors. Only using finest ingredients like

    fresh strawberries, mangos, and organic red beans, you

    can relax and enjoy the rich taste of our bingsoo without

    worrying so much about calories and carbs as you might

    towards other desserts.

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